Powder Post Beetle Pest Control and Extermination.
We employ commercially registered insecticide application for Carpet Beetle Pest Control, as well, for other kinds of Beetles . Our service includes a 7 months limited warranty.
It is the Carpet Beetles at the larva or caterpillar stage that consumes a wide range of organic matter such as wool, fur, and silk. Usually they remain undetected until the signs of their feeding upon such articles as carpets, clothing, Curtains, etc, begin to be noticed by the residents.
Powderpost beetles will only lay their eggs on bare, unfinished wood. Wood which is painted, varnished, waxed or similarly sealed is generally safe from attack provided no unfinished surfaces are exposed. Bare wood can be protected from attack by painting or finishing exposed surfaces. Beetles emerging from finished articles such as furniture were usually in the wood before the finish was applied. (Note: beetles emerging from finished wood can, however, reinfest by laying eggs in their own exit holes; sealing the holes prevents this possibility).
However, if the situation is out of hand or does not improve by your efforts or if you have a low tolerance of Carpet Beetles, your only choice may be to have a professional Moths extermination service.
IMPORTANT: Leave Powder-Post Beetle extermination to professional exterminators.
Ultimate Insecticide Spray Application
And Pests R Gone . . .
Pest Free Living™.
Powder-Post Beetle Pest Control
Insecticides may be in the form of a Spray, Dust, or Fog. Powder-Post Beetle extermination involves:
How to Prepare?
Please do following prep.