Black Carpenter Ant
Pest Control and Extermination Service
Black Carpenter Ant
Pest Control and Extermination Service
Pest Control, Extermination and Fumigation of Black Carpenter Ant.
In the natural outdoors the Black Carpenter Ants serves a useful purpose of decomposing dying and decaying trees.
It becomes a problem for homeowners when these worker Ants come indoors looking for food. Ants travel behind the drywall and under the floor cavities. If they come across moist and rotting wood beam, they would make tunnels by chewing away wood along the length of the grain in order to make space for their nest.
We specialize in getting rid of Black Carpenter Ants using least intrusive methods. As well we offer a 7-months standard guarantee.
Deploying Bait is our preferred approach to exterminating Carpenter Ants.
The bait technique to Control, Eradicate, and Exterminate Carpenter Ants results in:
Bait has proven to be a fool-proof method of extermination and it comes in Gel or Paste form and is usually deployed inside cracks, gaps and holes particularly near where Carpenter Ants are present or forage.
Expected Results And Outcome Of The Treatment:
It may take up to 5 weeks for all the Carpenter Ants to come and forage on the bait and then become affected by it. This Bait will prove fatal to Carpenter Ants. Most of the Carpenter Ants will expire behind the scenes but some may be found dead near our living spaces. A typical cleaning exercise would be sufficient for the final act. For your peace of mind, our service includes a limited 7 months warranty.
Typical Carpenter Ants workers in Ontario are about quarter to half an inch in length.
Carpenter Ants are called so because they make their nests in wood – chewing away along the grains of the wood – making tunnels or galleries.
Carpenter Ants are not interested in dry wood in sound condition. They are attracted to damp wood that is likely to deteriorate with time.
Carpenter Ants can cause a painful bite in defence.
Do not use Diatomaceous Earth or other over the counter insecticide dust formulations as they only deflect the ants into choosing other pathways and do not address the root of the problem.
Ultimate Insecticide Spray Application
And Pests R Gone . . .
Pest Free Living™.
Insecticides may be in the form of a Spray, Dust, or Fog. Characteristics of application of these methods are:
How to Prepare?
Please do following prep.