Fire Ants
Pest Control, Extermination and Fumigation
Fire Ants
Pest Control, Extermination and Fumigation
Pest Control, Extermination and Fumigation of Fire Ants.
Fire Ants are becoming a greater Pest in our backyards. They sting humans and their pets and cause severe burning like pain. Some people and pets would develop blisters and other may have terrible allergic reactions. Fire Ants are reddish brown color and are about 2-6 mm long.
Many home owners are troubled by these ants when they are working in their gardens or simply enjoying their backyards and swimming pools.
We specialize in Fire Ant Pest Control using least intrusive methods such as an array of Bait matrix. As well we offer a 7-months standard guarantee.
Deploying Bait is our preferred approach to exterminating Fire Ants.
The bait technique to Control, Eradicate, and Exterminate Fire Ants results in:
Bait has proven to be a fool-proof method of extermination and it comes in Gel or Paste form and is usually deployed inside cracks, gaps and holes particularly near where Fire Ants are present or forage.
Expected Results And Outcome Of The Treatment:
It may take up to 5 weeks for all the Fire Ants to come and forage on the bait and then become affected by it. This Bait will prove fatal to Fire Ants. Most of the Fire Ants will expire behind the scenes but some may be found dead near our living spaces. A typical cleaning exercise would be sufficient for the final act. For your peace of mind, our service includes a limited 7 months warranty.
Fire Ants are extremely aggressive and would readily attack a perceived intruder with multiple stinging.
Their nests are usually in the soil in the form of mounds in the backyard.
When Fire Ants attack a small animal, at times, it is fatal for the animal.
Fire Ants sting from their lower abdomen while holding themselves onto the target animal with their jaws. These stings cause severe burning like pain and can be deadly to sensitive people.
Ultimate Insecticide Spray Application