CraneFly – LeatherJacket Pest Control and Extermination.
For CraneFly – LeatherJacket Pest Control and Extermination we employ insecticide spray in the problem areas of the structure. For indoor treatment, the premises would need to be vacated before the treatment can being. Our service includes a 7 months limited warranty. Occupants can return after 4 hours after the application.
Leatherjackets live in the top layer of soil, feeding on the roots of grasses. Where large numbers of leatherjackets are feeding,they leave thin, browning and bald patches in lawns in the spring.
Adult crane flies lay eggs in the soil from mid-July to late September. The larvae hatch and begin feeding on roots in the fall. They over-winter in the soil and resume feeding in the spring. They do the most feeding during April and early May.
The larvae remain in the soil to change into an immobile stage, called a pupa. Inside the pupa, they transform into adults, which emerge from mid-July onwards.
The adults of a similar crane fly species emerge from May onward.
A healthy, deep rooted lawn quickly fills in and outgrows root-feeding by leatherjackets. To keep the turf dense,sprinkle turf grass seed over thin areas in February and March.
IMPORTANT: Leave Moth extermination to professional exterminators.
Ultimate Insecticide Spray Application
And Pests R Gone . . .
Pest Free Living™.
CraneFly - LeatherJacket Pest Control
Insecticides may be in the form of a Spray, Dust, or Fog. CraneFly - LeatherJacket extermination involves:
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