Bird Mites Pest Control and Extermination.

For Bird Mites Pest Control and Extermination we employ insecticide spray or dust in the problem areas of the structure. For indoor treatment, the premises would need to be vacated before the treatment can being. Our service includes a 7 months limited warranty. Occupants can return after 4 hours after the application.

There are several species of Bees that may suddenly swarm over your property and work to establish a nest. If you find it threatening, we provide services to exterminate the threat.

Bird Mites

IMPORTANT: Bird Mites extermination requires professional attention.

Sealing Holes

Plugging or Sealing drilled holes forces Carpenter Bees to make new holes or remove the sealing material.
Click the Image below for full resolution.

Holes made by Carpenter Bees

Golden Excrements

Even if the Bees are not seen themselves, noticing golden excrements near holes that drilled upwards or somewhat sideways is a tell-tale sign of Carpenter Bees.
Click the Image below for full resolution.

Carpenter Bees Nesting Inside Bored Holes

Ultimate Insecticide Spray Application

And Pests R Gone . . .

Pest Free Living™.

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Bird Mites Pest Control

Insecticides may be in the form of a Spray, Dust, or Fog. Bird Mites extermination involves:

  • Initially, Bird Mites are targeted directly by insecticides.

  • Next, Bird Mites nesting and hiding areas are treated.

  • As well, Bird Mites foraging and feeding spots are treated .

  • Also, Bird Mites entry and exit points are treated.

  • Lastly, Bird Mites egg laying spots are targeted.


How to Prepare?

Please do following prep.

  • Clear out and Clean areas and spaces where Pests are seen.

  • Vacate property including pets before Insecticides Application.

  • Stay out for 4 hours.

  • Consider shutting down Air systems.

  • Insecticides Fog may falsely trigger smoke alarm.

  • Some insecticides may have a petro-chemicals like smell that lingers for a few days.